What sort of station did Southern Television set out to be? What image of itself has it projected?
Above all, Southern is a regional station. It serves the South, and the people of the South. It brings them southern news, southern features, southern personalities, and it looks at the wider world from their standpoint. It is their own television station, not a remote impersonal colossus.
Southern is a responsible station. It knows it has a duty to give people the best — and it tries very hard to do so. It is alive and alert — and young in heart.
Let its programmes speak for themselves.

3 Recruiting of local talent is taken very seriously. Hundreds of amateurs from southern towns were auditioned for “home grown” — in which viewers’ votes could win performers cash prizes.
4 Southern Television is in on the most significant events — and the most entertaining. “southern affairs” is the news magazine which holds up a mirror to the South. Here is Mr. Macmillan being interviewed during a visit to the South.