Southern’s relations with its viewers must be as close as possible if the station is to be truly regional.
Probably nothing can do so much to this end as the Outside Broadcast Unit—going everywhere, being seen by everybody, getting people to participate in their television service.
People who appear regularly on the screen are in constant demand for opening fetes, judging beauty contests, talking to clubs and signing autographs. All these requests are carefully considered, and complied with whenever possible. It is always worthwhile to let people see their television favourites in the flesh.
No letter from a viewer, praising, criticising, or asking for information, goes unanswered.
Another facet of public relations is organising audiences for lunchtime shows. There is a growing waiting list of clubs, women’s institutes and other organisations all over the South. It is all part of the job of making people feel that Southern Television is their station.
1 Jim Dale and Janie Marden with some of the audience at the Lunchtime show, “Take it easy”.
2 Meryl O’Keeffe, one of the four station announcers, making a persona! appearance at a local speedway track.